Monday, 15 August 2011

Brecon Show 6th August 2011

This was to be our second year showing at Brecon. It is a nice country show with lots to see & do & with quite alot of livestock to look at. There were quite a few goats but unfortunately not as many as last year. We had entered two kids & a goatling so we missed out on the pressure of milking!
We arrived on the Friday evening just as it was getting dark which was not helpful as there were no lights in the tent! We managed to fumble about & get the goats into their pens & settled them down for the night; the two kids were a little nervous as this was their first outing but they soon went to sleep. We did not have to be up quite as early as those with milkers in the show so we could stay up a bit later, which was good as it took us a while to prepare the Landrover for sleeping in. The matresses work very well but there is no room for changing or storing anything.

The morning came & fortunately the weather was to be kind to us. The British Alpine goatling was our first goat to show which fell to me; i am still nervous about showing & find it confusing trying to follow the correct format. Bramwell did very well & received good comments & infact went on to win Best Alpine in the show & so we took home the trophy for the second year. Bronte, the BA kid did not do so well as there was stronger competiton. The Anglo-nubian kid, led in by Nigel, was unfortunately the only AN in the show. She did receive 1st place & Best AN with another trophy. We were pleased with our goats & we had a good day.

Manuka.....Best Anglo- nubian!

Bronte did not do so well!

Madelaines kids

Well, she went & had three boys! They are lovely kids but i cannot help but be dissappointed that she did not have a nanny. I am pleased with the size; bringing in Dexter who is a small billy has worked with regard to the size of the kids.....i think they will make the perfect pets. They have already been castrated so that they are now "wethers" & they have been de-horned so that they will be safe with children. All three will be sold as soon as they are weaned from their mum.

This is the kids a few days old......

.....and this is two of the kids at 3 weeks old!

.....and this is Dad enjoying the sun!